
Metal Gear Solid 2 Ending Analysis
Version 1.0.9 (Released 15/03/2002 -- Last update 19/11/2002
By Artemio Urbina(aurbina@junkerhq.net)

Visit http://junkerhq.net for Script dumps, scans, images and more Snatcher,
MGS and Kojima material.

The main goal of this document is explain the ending sequence in Metal Gear
Solid 2, while answering most of the common questions through the explanation of
scientific information related to the game.

This intends to be an analysis to clarify some matters and as an essay of the 
relationships I have found with other materials. Be warned that if you have not
played the game, there are huge spoilers everywhere. Feel free to contact me 
regarding the contents of these documents, for improvements, corrections, 
and typos.

There is also a web version of this document available at (also the latest
version) http://junkerhq.net/CS/ with the dialog and links between it and this
essay, and a bit more of bells and whistles, but the same content.

 Turing's Test

     "If man realizes technology is within reach, he achieves it. Like
     it's damn-near instinctive."
     -- Motoko Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell (GITS)

Here, Hideo Kojima is implying something that Cognitive Science has
been trying to do for a while. A machine that is able to pass the Turing Test.
This test was created to find out if a machine of some sort is "thinking", that
it has "intelligence". The main problem with defining if something has this
characteristic, is that we are subjective beings. We cannot trust our feelings
and intuition in defining what is alive and what is not. The human being
usually humanizes inanimate objects, computers and animals, just because we see
signs, although we are not sure if the individual is having an internal process
that is analog to what we define as thinking. An excellent discussion in this

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