
Silent Hill 2 Walkthrough
Copyright 2001 By Spiderjeru (Rob Brown)
Contact: Spiderjeru@hotmail.com

This FAQ could not have been written without the folks on the message 
boards; otherwise I never would have figured out where to steer that 
damn boat.  Thanks to everybody.

Fog surrounds you on every side.  You grip the trigger of your 9-
millimeter tightly and peer futilely ahead of you into the murk.  Every 
step echoes like the beating of your heart.  You freeze with terror as 
the radio in your pocket starts to emit a steady stream of white noise: 
it grows louder with every step you take.  Suddenly out of the fog a 
hideous skinned creature skitters toward you, and you jump off of your 
couch with a yell...
...it's time to clean out your trousers again.  Thanks, Silent Hill 2.  
And thanks to Konami for creating a game so claustrophobically 
frightening I soiled myself three times in my first play through.
So you're here, reading this FAQ, assumptively because you have the 
game and something has got you stuck in a bad place.  That's cool:  but 
be aware, this game is MUCH more fun if you work through everything on 
your own.  That said, on with the FAQ.

My first time through I played with combat set to normal and puzzle set 
to hard.  The puzzle solutions for this FAQ will be in hard, with 
normal to follow at a later date. 

1.	Intro, or How I Got My First Weapon
2.	The Mean Streets of Silent Hill Part 1
3.	Apartment Shopping in A Bad Part of Town, Part 1
4.	Apartment Shopping in A Bad Part of Town, Part 2
     (Up Blue Creek Without a Paddle)
5.	How Not to Shoot Your Friends in the Neck, Bars, And Bowling
6.	Hospital: Where the Fan and the Fecal Material Collide

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