
VERSION 1.0  (27th of July 2003)
BY: Christopher Wall
EMAIL: christopher.wall@swipnet.se


 Hello everybody! Welcome to my movelist for Manny in Def Jam Vendetta. Here 
you'll find a list of Manny's moves. 
I'll list the commands and names of every move and also the name of the move 
in "real wrestling-terminology" or a short explanation. This may not always be
accurate as I'm not in any way a wrestling specialist. I have used the 
movelists in WWE Smackdown! Shut your Mouth, or the internet, where my memory 
was lacking. If you find any errors (which I'm sure you will) please mail me.

 I recommend you to look in my FAQ for Briggs before reading further. There 
you'll find the explanations for the different positions you'll have to be in 
to perform the moves. There you'll also find a General Movelist with the
moves which are the same regardless which character you're playing as.

NOTE: When you're reading the Movelist, remember that the names to the left
are the "in-game names" and the names to right are the "real names" or
explanations. The letters at the far left are the buttons you have to press.



 This section will contain explanations of the shortenings I use in the FAQ. 

S    = the strike button (press the square button on the PS2 controller)
G    = the grapple button (press the cross button on the PS2 controller)
O    = the button which you use to get in and out of the ring 
       (press the triangle button on the PS2 controller)

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