Castlevania - Lords of Shadow 2 - Siegesplatz - Fundorte der Sammelobjekte

  1. 00:17 Painbox (Chaosstein)
  2. 00:40 Painbox (Chaosstein)
  3. 01:22 Memorial Thanks to Lord Zobek
  4. 01:37 Painbox (Leerestein)
  5. 01:53 Painbox (Lebensstein)
  6. 02:08 Pile of Sacrifice
  7. 02:22 Painbox (Leerestein)
  8. 02:40 Memorial Victory Plaza and the Cinema
  9. 02:56 Painbox (Leerestein)
  10. 03:50 Painbox (Lebensstein)
  11. 04:13 Shrine
  12. 05:19 Memorial The boots of Gandolfi
  13. 05:40 Painbox (Chaosstein)
  14. 06:25 Pile of Sacrifice
  15. 07:23 Memorial Shame of Nuallan "The Miserable"
  16. 08:05 Pile of Sacrifice
  17. 08:40 Painbox (Leerestein)
  18. 09:15 Painbox (Chaosstein)
  19. 09:43 Painbox (Chaosstein)
  20. 10:00 Pile of Sacrifice
  21. 10:20 Shrine
  22. 10:36 Painbox (Lebensstein)

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Castlevania - Lords of Shadow 2

Castlevania - Lords of Shadow 2
