
             The Howy's WWF Smackdown! Just Bring It FAQ/Move List
                                   Version 1.5

By: The Howynho
Mail: the_howy@yahoo.com
Icq UIN #33313827
Last Update: 11/25/01

Ps2 release date: November 19, 2001
Xbox release date: You are thinking on another game
GameCube release date: Never! No wrestling game on GC

                 This FAQ is Copyright 2001 of Howard Wood
    (for info on how and when to use it check the Introduction section)


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1.  Wwwaaasssssuuuuppppp!!!!!(Introduction)
2.  Review History 
3.  The old, the new and the ugly
4.  Old School Stuff
5.  The Commissioner's Manual
6.  The Move List
7.  Every Hardcore fan's dream
8.  Arenas and Backstages
9.  Quick Finish moves and Trademarks guide
10. Secret Stuff

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