
TimeSplitters Timed Secrets (Normal) FAQ V0.5
January 19, 2001
Daniel (FecalLord) Engel
ICQ: 9722762

This guide basically outlines what timed secrets can be earned in the 
game's NORMAL mode, what their restrictions are, and how to get them.


The most important thing to remember is to keep moving, and only shoot 
enemies that are in your path, don't go off and kill the lone guard in 
the corner who's shooting at you.  If you're running full tilt, he won't 
be shooting at you for long and you'll be long gone.  I'll try to be as 
detailed as I feel is needed for my methods of getting these secrets.  

The times that I have listed are the slowest times that I've seen SO FAR 
that work, just to give you an idea of what to aim for.  (The actual 
target time for these stages might be slower than what I have posted 

All the levels with a '*' I haven't got to yet, as you'll probably have 
guessed by the lack of a walkthrough for the level.  =)

*1935 Tomb
Priestess Character (2 Minutes 34 Seconds)

*1970 Chinese
Gun Sounds Cheat (2 Minutes 34 Seconds)

2005 Cyberden
Tuxedo Cyborg Character (3 Minute 16 Seconds)
This one didn't give me too much trouble, the main thing is to head 
straight for switch (computer console).  Of course you will want to kill 

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