
 _______                            \        \                      _______
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 _______  _____   _____     _____   _____  _______  _______  _      _____
|__   __||  _  | |  ___|   |  _  | |  _  ||__   __||__   __|| |    |  ___|
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   |_|   |_| |_| |_____|   |_____| |_| |_|   |_|      |_|   |_____||_____|
                              VER 1.2
++++++++++++++++Written by:Three-11(Adam Puhl)(311@fighters.net)++++++++++
                     Last updated :July 18th, 1999

Latest Additions....
+new gunjack/bryan tag combo, hwoarang,baek, and more.
+new moves for ganryu,jin,king,kunimitsu,paul,and more.
+Its ver 1.0 ALL NEW :)

This faq has been written to help the tekken community and the common
player. You may use information in this faq only if you give credit to
me and Http://www.fighters.net. To all the video game magazines out there
and others that do use this information. GIVE CREDIT where it is due!

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