
Soul Calibur 2

A Word Before We Get Down To The Real Talk:
  This F.A.Q. is only for the quotes. So if anybody have anything to add,
please do so. Otherwise... do not bother.

  The favorite characters (from Isabella Valentine to Heishiro Mitsurugi...
including Raphael Sorel) will have the complete Quote List (English and
Japanese). As for the others, I will write the English and some other important
quotes from the Japanese quotes. When I have time, I will write the full
Japanese quotes for the others that I did not write for!


P.S. There is no changing in Heihachi Mishima's quotes from the Japanese to
English quotes! Both have the exact translation.


Name: Ivy (Isabella Valentine)

Normal Intros:
1)Give up already.
2)You're next!
3)It's time to die.
4)Heh, heh, hee... HAHAHAHA!
5)Go away!
6)Heh, heh, hee... I like that.
7)You won't suffer much.
8)Be careful or you'll feel the pain.
9)Do you have any last words?
10)Where shall I cut first?

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