
 ____  _ _            _     _   _ _ _ _  _____
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 ___) | | |  __/ | | | |_  |  _  | | | | ___) |
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                   Silent Hill 3
             Extreme Mode Speed Guide
 (Full course of the game, not half-course UFO ending)
                   Version 1.2
               08-05-03 thru 08-26-03
 (remembered to upload update to gamefaqs on 10-9-03)
Silent Hill and subsequently mentioned
characters are the property entirely of Konami.
Konami is part of the Holy Trinity:
Capcom, Konami and Square. Don't mess with them
(Silent Hill, Metal Gear, and Castlevania belong to Konami).
J.R. Kerr wrote this FAQ. 
No one may edit any version of this FAQ
that is to be shared. For your own personal use on
one computer, you may edit out all this jargon or
select bits of the tips you need. I will not profit
from this FAQ in any way. Anyone may distribute or
post this FAQ anywhere they like provided my name
remain on it. I will use powerful internet voodoo
to eat the soul of anyone who posts my FAQ without
my name on it. I will only answer e-mail with no
attachments, sizes under 6k at: jrkerrdog@hotmail.com
I am also at geocities.com/jamesrkerr
[01] Why did I decide to write this?
[02] What is Extreme Mode?
[03] Prerequisites for Playing Extreme Mode
[04] Gameplay, Hand Positioning, + Interface

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