
Red Faction 2 Weapons and Enemies Guide:

August 15, 2003
by Alan Chan (joylock@hotmail.com)

The Usual:
This document is mine. Please don't rip it off or take credit for it. That
being said, feel free to post it on any site you want, provided you a) don't
make any changes to it, or b) charge money for it. You don't even have to
get my permission to post it (as long as it remains unaltered), but it would be
nice if you emailed me and let me know (joylock@hotmail.com).

I know a weapons and enemy guide for Red Faction 2 is a bit unnecessary, since most of
the enemies behave the same and can be killed in the same way. Still, I wrote one
anyway since I had the time.

This FAQ is based on the normal difficulty setting. The amount of damage enemies can take
and the amount of damage they do to you varies based on the difficulty you play under.

*Update History:                                                                        *
*                                                                                       *
*Update #1: Made some adjustments to the boss strategies based on additional playtesting*
*														    *	
*Update #1: Added more information to weapons section, added list of contents           *
*														    *

 - Weapons
 - Human Enemies
 - Enemy Equipment
 - Bosses


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