
Madden NFL 2004 (PlayStation 2)
Playbook Analysis

Document written by PyroFalkon (pyrofalkon@hotmail.com)
Current Version: 1.3
Latest Update: 17 November 2003


v1.3 (17 November 2003)
erik2582 (erik2582@comcast.net) reminded me that there's kind of a half-way to 
make play-action passes, so I've edited that part of the FAQ.

v1.2 (3 November 2003)
One of the eternal questions is, if you're going to write an FAQ, and you take 
the time to include things like your personal history, why in the world would 
you forget to add the TABLE OF CONTENTS? *sigh* Maybe I'm getting too old for 

Anyway, I've added the table of contents, but I've also added a new section: 
Getting Your Plays in the Game. That will list step-by-step instructions to get 
your custom playbooks up and running. Oh, and I spell checked the whole thing 
too, just for kicks.

v1.1a (1 November 2003)
It's been nearly a year, but unfortunately my site is down for the count. 
Luckily, IGN has decided to host my FAQs too, so it's all good. A new copyright 
notice is the only change.

v1.1 (03 September 2003)
A VERY kind person named Neil pointed out my bias against the Browns. Let me 
say up front that I had been flamed by a very immature person about the same 
comment, but I took no action BECAUSE he was immature. Neil complained about 
what I had said, but he did so maturely, without profanity, and actually had 

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