
-------------------- CoyoteMystro's Ultimate Vehicle Guide --------------------

Author:  CoyoteMystro
Email: coyotemystro@yahoo.com
Website: http://redline.mm2c.com
Version: 3.1

Discription:  I created this guide as an aid to players of Grand Theft Auto III
that needed help locating specific vehicles and etc.  This guide explains where
specific vehicles are parked, where and how to find them driving around the
busy Liberty City streets, and their characteristics.

Please note that these parked locations aren't a guarantee.  Sometimes you will
see these vehicles parked here, then other times, they may never be seen there

If I missed any vehicles or simply make a mistake in my typing, please contact
me at coyotemystro@yahoo.com.

Screenshots captured by myself using an ATI Radeon 64mb DDR VIVO video card.
You may not post images on your website without my expressed written

-------------------------------- Vehicle Guide --------------------------------

Vehicles are listed in alphabetical order.  Some vehicles may be binary with 
other vehicles.  For instance, the AMCO Gas Station in Harwood may have an
Esperanto parked in the lot, or it may have a Bobcat.  It depends on what the 
game loads.

-[Vehicle name
-[Image URL

*Parked locations

() Notes

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