
      ________    ______    ___   __   __    _______       __________
     /  _____/   /  __  \  |   \ |  | |  |  /  __  /      /          \
    (  (_____   /  /  \  \ |    \|  | |  | /  /  \/      /________    \
     \____   \ |  /   /  | |     `  | |  |(  (             _______)   |
     _____)  | \  \__/  /  |  |\    | |  | \  \__/\     .��           /
    /_______/   \______/   |__| \___| |__|  \______\   /   ________.�'
        ___         ____       ____        ___   ___  /   /__________
  //\  ||  \ \\  / ||_   ||\ |  ||  ||  | ||__) ||_  /              /
 //��\ ||__/  \\/  ||___ || \|  ||  \\__/ ||  \ ||_ /______________/

                       GUIDE    _____________
                               | VERSION 0.7 |
      _______________           �������������
     /       |       \
a)  / Nathan | Jason  \              Hey readers! As this FAQ is in
    \  Tsui and Tsui  /              very primitive stages, this title
     \_______|_______/               isn't done yet! So we need your
       | (c) 2001  |                 help deciding which of the two
        �����������                  author-ship thingies on the left
 ____________or____________          to use. Drop us a line at our
                                     e-mail, or catch us on AIM (see
      _______________                chapter [1c]: Contact Info) and
     /  Nathan Tsui  \               tell us which one YOU like better!
b)  /    _________    \
    |   | (c)2001 |   |      THE ORIGINAL SONIC ADVENTURE 2 FAQ!
    \    ���������    /       (the first FAQ released for SA2!)
     \  Jason Tsui   /

 For detailed notes on how updates are coming along, visit the site at

   T A B L E   o f   C O N T E N T S

[ 1] Introduction

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