
               >>>>>>>Sonic Adventure 2<<<<<<<<<
            >>>>>>>>>Written By SuperSonic_<<<<<<<<
               >>>Email: Greenday70@yahoo.com<<<
	    >>>Web Page:www.geocities.com/sonichoaxes<<<	
	      Sonic Adventure 2 Walkthrough 
***Reproduction Laws** This FAQ can be posted anywhere, just DO NOT edit 
the text in any way. This FAQ can always be found on www.gamefaqs.com. 
Also tell me if your going to put it on your site...DO NOT link to this 
***Copyright** This FAQ is copyrighted under a reproduction law. If this 
FAQ is unlawfully copied or reproduced in any manor that goes against 
the copyright, legal action will be taken.

Some new Info
My new Sonic site is up, it's pretty good. It features rips and hoaxes 
of the old game. Such as Silver Tails, Ultra Sonic, and other pretty 
weird pictures of the popular Genesis games. You can also always find an 
updated version of this FAQ on the site. The URL is 
www.geocities.com/greenday70. Please take the time to visit it, it is 
very interesting for the true sonic fan...

If you have beat the Dark and Hero side and the Last? side hasn't 
appeared, then you probably just shut the game off after beating it, 
don't do this. Instead let the game cycle through the credits and such 
and you will be awarded with an emblem.

Well here's how to get that Chao in city escape.

    In the middle of the stage when you are running down in a building 
(or falling), you take the springs to land in the floor(no in the bar) 
and turn around to go to the ancient shrine (or how you like to name 
it).Play the song and catch the poles,the caos is at the end of the way. 
But you have to be aware of many things: -When you are in the building 

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