
Twisted Metal: Black 
Arena/ Vehicle Strategy Guide v0.6, 6/21/2001
Written by justg (g__@email.com)

Copyright 2000 justg

This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any commercial or profit 
gaining reasons with out the written consent of the author.  

Version Information:
  0.6: Corrections made in spelling and in Downtown secret directions.
       New Level strategy for Freeway Loop and Prison Passage.
       Warhawk Strategy updated.
  0.5: All secrets found (Assumably), except Minion, see section 3.
       New Vehicle strategies for Man Slaughter and Yellow Jacket.
  0.1: Contains strategies for Minion and Warhawk fights.
       Contains strategies for Story Mode Levels Junk Yard, Suburbs, Minions's 
Stadium, Drive in Movies, and Warhawk's Roof.
       Contains Vehicle strategies for Mr. Grimm and Spectre.
       Contains Invincibility Code


I) Story Mode Level Strategies and Secrets, includes Minion and Warhawk strategies.
II) Vehicle Strategies (with my scoring of the ending, SPOIL/explanation free)
III) Playing Minion
IV) Invincible Code

*****************NOTE: No SPOILS contained with-in **********
The Primary purpose of this document is to help in developing strategies based 
on both level specific information and vehicle statistics.  This game is by no 
means easy, so I am sure some help may be appreciated

This FAQ is by no means thorough.  Some of the levels are rather vast and/or 
complex, so detailing every portion of each level would be exhaustive and
annoying to accomplish.

Therefore I will only provide strategies that may help with the levels.

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Twisted Metal Black

Twisted Metal Black

Sony Computer Entertainment
Incog Inc. Entertainment