
Escape From Monkey Island (Monkey Island 4)
Walkthrough and Help Guide.

By Kete (Rimsy@hotmail.com)
December 2000

I'm a big Monkey Island fan, and with the release of the new game, I made 
this walkthrough to help you get through those tricky parts which can get you 
angry and spoil the game. I advise you only use this when you are totally 
stuck for ideas, otherwise it will spoil the game. 


You are currently tied to the mast, if you look to Guybrush's right you will 
see a brazier of burning coals, turn yourself so you are facing the coals, 
then USE the brazier, it sounds strange, but Guybrush will kick the brazier 
over, then PICK UP one of the coals, Guybrush will do this with his feet, now 
quickly turn yourself around the mast so you are facing the Loaded Cannon at 
the top right of the screen, then kick the coal to the loaded cannon, you 
should do this quickly or the heat will be too much for Guybrush and he'll 
drop the coal. The coal should light the fuse of the cannon, and have victory 
over the enemy pirates. 

Act I: Things To Do On Melee Island When You're Dead

After some conversation you should be left in the grounds of the Governor's 
Mansion, and faced with a demolition worker flinging boulders at the Mansion, 
luckily he's not a very good shot, so you have time to figure out how to stop 
him. Go to the Harbour, and beside the Grog Machine you should find a popped 
inner tube, pick it up and make your way to The Scumm Bar, enter and go to 
the back of the pub. You should see an old drunk sailor sitting by a stuffed 
fish, look at the balloon tied to his table. Go back to the two dart players 
and talk to them, ask them about the holes in the wall, then have them prove 
theirselves by trying to throw a dart at the balloon you just saw, the short 
man does this, and pops the balloon, shocking the drunken old sailor, go back 
to his table, and pick up the bowl of Pretzels, don't worry about the sailor, 
he's just sleeping. Go back to the mansion, if you look near the mansion 
there is a strange shaped cactus, use the popped inner tube on it, to form a 

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Weitere hilfreiche Artikel

Monkey Island: Flucht von Monkey Island

Monkey Island: Flucht von Monkey Island
