
Shin-Sangokumusou character FAQ
By "Heero Yuy"

Table of Contents

1. Personal notes
2. The 9 Original Generals
3. The 8 Secret Generals
4. The 6 Kingdom legends
5. Characters from other Dynasties
6. Other stuff to do
7. Credits


Personal Notes 
    I made this FAQ because I want to share information. That's all. 
    I am a 15 year old Japanese so I'm pretty sure about the 
    names of the characters.



There are a total of 28 characters.In this section, I am going 
to introduce to you the first 9 generals that are playable

I also included some combination attacks. They can deal a 
good amount of damage. Unfortunately, the enemy generals can 
sometimes block them.  

But first, here are my FAQ notations:
 	Regular slash: R
	Charge attack: C
	Special attack: S

*These 4 combos with Charges to end them are universal for all the 
characters in the game:

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