
RYO HAZUKI'S Little Brown Notebook...
   A Shenmue FAQ-in-progress uploaded 3/08/2003

v.1.4 by Force Vector (fvector@hotmail.com) with assistance
   from Eric DiDomencio (SEPULTURA2000@aol.com)

INTRODUCTION... (why I'm writing this FAQ)
Originally I was content in helping Kris Brunn by submitting additional
notebook entries as I played the game.  Therefore I was quite surprised when
his useful FAQ was no longer found in GAMEFAQS.

The replacement notebook FAQ by Julian McKenzie, although far more complete,
did not state how it was found - hence, I decided to create (in my own "humble"
opinion) the definiteve Shenmue Notebook FAQ from one who has no access to the
Shenmue Prima Guide (which seems to be THE definitive guide).

Having contacted the two fine gentlemen mentioned above, Mr. Brunn gave me his
blessing in taking over his FAQ (with the understanding that he gets mentioned
somewhere - DOMO ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU KRIS BRUNN-SAN!), while Mr. McKenzie had
agreed to a collaboration of the information found in this Notebook FAQ.

The most recent additions to this FAQ is courtesy of the timely assistance by
Mr. Eric DiDomencio - who will also be assisting me in finishing this FAQ.

ABOUT LAPIS... (what I found out about the place)
A special thanks to Michael Beaman who was having problems getting the entries
from the Tattoo Shop.  To help him out I've restarted my game yet again
(someday I'll actually finish this game even once) and found out that you can
get as many clues from Lapis in one day as long as you meet the necessary
requirements to unlock them.

PASSING TIME... (why you should)

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