
This is the Moero! Justice School: Nekketsu Seisyun Nikki FAQ v0.4
By Mark Green 
Email address for submissions/comments:
  mark [at] antelope [dot] demon [dot] co [dot] uk

The latest version of this FAQ will always be available from

wwwwwwwwwww   If the block of characters on the left has a straight    
mmmmmmmmmmm   right-hand edge, you are using a monospaced font.  
iiiiiiiiiii   This FAQ looks far better viewed in a monospaced font.
OoOoOoOoOoO   Use EDIT, DOS TYPE, the Netscape text viewer, or MORE
12345678901   to view this file.

**************************** LEGAL BITS ******************************
Neither the author of this FAQ, nor any person who distributes it in
any way, shall be responsible or liable for anything that results from
using this FAQ for any purpose, including but not limited to
damage to your Dreamcast, controllers, hands, eyes, sanity, or the
irretrievable corruption of your mind due to exposure to animated

This FAQ may be freely distributed provided that it is kept unmodified
and in its entirity.  This FAQ may not be sold, or included as part
of a publication that is sold, without the author's express

Moero! Justice Gakuen and Nekketsu Seisyun Nikki are (c) and (tm) of
Capcom Enterprises 2000.  The use of trademarks within this guide
is not intended to represent a challenge to their validity.

******************************* INDEX ********************************
1 - Introduction
2 - Setup

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