
=                                                       =
=  FFFFF  11     CCCCC SSSSS    222   000   000   000   =
=  F     1 1     C     S       2   2 0   0 0   0 0   0  =
=  FFF     1     C     SSSSS      2  0   0 0   0 0   0  =
=  F       1     C         S     2   0   0 0   0 0   0  =
=  F     11111   CCCCC SSSSS   22222  000   000   000   =
=                                                       =
=                                                       =
=                                                       =
=                            By                         =
=               Jamie Stafford/Wolf Feather             =
=                 FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM                =
=                                                       =
=    ===============================================    =
=                                                       =
=  Initial Version Completed January 25, 2001           =
=                                                       =
=  Version 2.2                                          =
=  Last Update: May 18, 2001                            =
=                                                       =

First, a general request for info and tips on a particular
issue of F1 Championship Season 2000.  Does anyone have any
suggestions on how to reduce wheel spin at the beginning of a
race (other than waiting for F1 2001)?  I personally play
using automatic transmission, as do others who have e-mailed
me on this issue, so information for automatic transmission
would be especially useful.  I find less wheel spin when
using a higher gear ratio, but that conflicts with my
personal driving style.  Perhaps it may be best to simply
live with this "problem" until F1 2001; with traction control
finally reintroduced into F1 racing this year (beginning with
the Grand Prix of Spain), the next incarnation of this game
series will hopefully follow suit.

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