
Crazy Taxi 2
By Ikillkenny (Ikillkenny@sega.net)
Version 1.1

Table of Contents
1) Introduction
2) Gameplay Mechanics
3) Crazy Pyramid
4) Cities
5) Other Stuff
6) Secrets/Codes
7) Crazy FAQs
8) The Grande Finale

Chapter 1: Introduction

SECTION 1: FAQ Information
Hmmm, this section seems like an FAQ about this FAQ.  How ironic (or something
like that... I don't have a thesarus around.)  This FAQ is written for Crazy
Taxi 2 for the Dreamcast.  Don't have Crazy Taxi 2?  Go buy it.  Don't have a
Dreamcast?  Go buy one.  Or you could just take the freeloaders way out and
pirate it, but that's not cool.

Anyways, Crazy Taxi 2 was developed by Hitmaker as was the pervious version. 
It came out on May 31st, 2001 and is the sequel to Crazy Taxi, the Dreamcast's
#2 selling game behind Soul Calibor (these figures are a little old, as I'm not
sure if Phantasy Star Online has surpassed Crazy Taxi in sales.)  Nevertheless,
Crazy Taxi 2 adds several new features (and doesn't add a few others that would
help) as explained in the next section.  But first, here's a little information
on the different versions of this FAQ:
-Version 1.1-
:Added Small Apple Strategies
:Fixed Some Bugs
:New FAQs

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