Sacred 3 - Erfolge

Sacred 3 Erfolge

In Sacred 3 gibt es 37 Erfolge (Achievements) mit insgesamt 1.000 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. Gamerscore-Punkte:

  1. 15

    Welcome to Ancaria
    Complete the Rank 1 mission.

  2. 15

    Journey's End
    Complete all Rank 2 missions.

  3. 30

    Sacred Ancaria
    Complete all main missions on Legend difficulty.

  4. 90

    Sacred Savior
    Complete all main missions on Deity difficulty.

  5. 15

    Skilled Culture
    Max out any culture's Combat Arts, Skills, and Equipment trees.

  6. 30

    Max out all cultures' Combat Arts, Skills, and Equipment trees.

  7. 90

    Unlock all item upgrades.

  8. 30

    In a Blink of an Eye
    Defeat something big with only one hit using a smart bomb.

  9. 10

    Get a level up.

  10. 15

    Reach level 10 with any character.

  11. 30

    Reach level 30 with any character.

  12. 90

    Reach level 50 with any character.

  13. 15

    Couch Party
    Complete one main mission in local co-op mode.

  14. 30

    Party Like It's 1999
    Complete all main missions in local co-op mode.

  15. 15

    On the Line
    Complete a main mission with three other players.

  16. 15

    Online Master
    Complete all main missions with three other players.

  17. 30

    Leading by Example
    Complete a main mission as the top scorer in a game with three other players.

  18. 15

    Tons of Damage
    Achieve the highest multiplier in a damage run.

  19. 90

    Who You Gonna Call?
    Break the shields of all ghostly orbs and destroy them in a single phase.

  20. 15

    One For All
    Use your Battle Prayer 10 times.

  21. 15

    Interrupt five enemies while they are targeting other players.

  22. 15

    Revive every other player in a single mission with three other players.

  23. 15

    Speak No Evil
    Stop the Unspeakable Evil.

  24. 30

    Group Hug
    Kill 8 Grimmoc-sized enemies with one attack.

  25. 15

    Arts Training
    Use your Combat Arts 80 times in N'Aquali during a single playthrough.

  26. 30

    Judge, Jury, Executioner
    Execute 5 enemies in a row.

  27. 15

    Too Close
    Die from an explosive destructible.

  28. 15

    Multi Culti
    Complete a mission with four characters from different cultures in co-op mode.

  29. 30

    Kill a Troll without getting hit by it in single player mode.

  30. Geheime Erfolge

  31. 30

    Zane's Bane
    Defeat the final form of Zane within 30 seconds.

  32. 15

    Tap Water
    Complete Khorad Basin with the Well purity at 70% or greater.

  33. 15

    Sophia's Blood
    Complete Icecreek Sanctuary with the Seraphim.

  34. 15

    Sea Dog
    Complete Vorios with the Safiri.

  35. 15

    Vive la Résistance
    Complete Greyveil with the Ancarian.

  36. 15

    Cool as Ice
    Complete Enigmar Fortress with the Khukuri.

  37. 15

    Ashen to Ashes
    Defeat Zane.

  38. 15

    Girls' Night Out
    Complete a mission with four female characters in online co-op mode.

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Sacred 3

Sacred 3

Koch Media Deutschland GmbH
Keen Games