Babel Rising - Erfolge

Babel Rising Achievements

Es gibt 12 Erfolge mit insgesamt 200 Gamerscore-Punkten. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Erfolge bzw. die entsprechenden Gamerscore-Punkte:

  1. 10

    Falling Stone
    Crushed 20 workers with one giant boulder.

  2. 10

    Great balls of fire
    Destroyed a section of the tower with a meteor shower.

  3. 10

    Holy wave
    Use a tidal wave that spares cursed jar bearers.

  4. 10

    Blown away
    Send a worker flying 50 meters away in a sand storm.

  5. 10

    Full house
    Kill a total of 10000 workers.

  6. 25

    Master the combo system.

  7. 5

    Kill 50 workers in a single game.

  8. 25

    Babel Falling
    Defeat Nabu's ambition.

  9. 25

    Cruel god
    Pressure your opponent in a multiplayer versus match.

  10. 10

    Break the ice
    Finish what your partner begins in a coop game.

  11. 10

    Show no fear when destroying the cursed jars.

  12. 50

    Stop the construction of the tower when everything seems lost.

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Babel Rising

Babel Rising

Mando Productions