Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment - Trophäen

Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment Trophäen

In Sword Art Online - Hollow Fragment könnt ihr 54 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Collect all trophies
    Collect all trophies.

  2. Beater
    Complete tutorial.

  3. Defeat The Ghastlygaze
    Defeat the boss in floor 76.

  4. Defeat The Crystalize Claw
    Defeat the boss in floor 77.

  5. Defeat The Horn of Madness
    Defeat the boss in floor 78.

  6. Defeat The Tempest of Trihead
    Defeat the boss in floor 79.

  7. Defeat The Guilty Scythe
    Defeat the boss in floor 80.

  8. Defeat The Knight of Darkness
    Defeat the boss in floor 81.

  9. Defeat The Legacy of Grand
    Defeat the boss in floor 82.

  10. Defeat The Horn of Furious
    Defeat the boss in floor 83.

  11. Defeat The Queen of Ant
    Defeat the boss in floor 84.

  12. Defeat The Maelstrom of Trihead
    Defeat the boss in floor 85.

  13. Defeat The King of Skeleton
    Defeat the boss in floor 86.

  14. Defeat The Radiance Eater
    Defeat the boss in floor 87.

  15. Defeat The Rebellious Eyes
    Defeat the boss in floor 88.

  16. Defeat The Murderer Fang
    Defeat the boss in floor 89.

  17. Defeat The Ruler of Blade
    Defeat the boss in floor 90.

  18. Defeat The Absolute Gazer
    Defeat the boss in floor 91.

  19. Defeat The Chaos Dragon
    Defeat the boss in floor 92.

  20. Defeat The Lava Creeper
    Defeat the boss in floor 93.

  21. Defeat The Knight of Blazing
    Defeat the boss in floor 94.

  22. Defeat The Genocide Eyes
    Defeat the boss in floor 95.

  23. Defeat The Slaughter Fang
    Defeat the boss in floor 96.

  24. Defeat The Emperor of Death
    Defeat the boss in floor 97.

  25. Defeat The Kaiser Dragon
    Defeat the boss in floor 98.

  26. Rulers of Hades
    Defeat the boss in floor 99.

  27. Congratulations, Kirito
    Defeat the final boss in floor 100.

  28. Beta Tester
    Get every Last Attacking Bonus.

  29. Not on my watch!
    Complete the game without any one of the Assault Team dying.

  30. Defeat the boss of the Sea of Trees Area
    Defeat the boss of the Sea of Trees Area.

  31. Defeat the boss of the Floating Ruins Area
    Defeat the boss of the Floating Ruins Area.

  32. Defeat the boss of the Cove Area
    Defeat the boss of the Cove Area.

  33. Defeat the boss of the Great Void Area
    Defeat the boss of the Great Void Area.

  34. Defeat the boss of the Otherworld Area
    Defeat the boss of the Otherworld Area.

  35. Defeat the boss of the Control Area
    Defeat the boss of the Control Area.

  36. Wow...
    Defeat PoH.

  37. Shadow
    Defeat Hollow Kirito.

  38. Complete debug
    Complete more Hollow Missions than required.

  39. High-rank test player
    Complete more Implement Element Researches than required.

  40. Lisbeth Smith Shop's most loyal customer!
    Upgrade weapons 200 times.

  41. Flash
    Raise your bond with Asuna to the max level.

  42. Beast Tamer
    Raise your bond with Silica to the max level.

  43. Master Macer
    Raise your bond with Lisbeth to the max level.

  44. Fairy
    Raise your bond with Leafa to the max level.

  45. Sniper
    Raise your bond with Sinon to the max level.

  46. Treasure Hunter
    Raise your bond with Philia to the max level.

  47. Don't cheat, daddy
    Raise your bond with all heroines to the max level.

  48. Memories
    Find all collectibles for the gallery.

  49. MMOs that use a level system are unfair that way
    Kirito reaches at least level 150.

  50. Billionaire
    Save 100 million Col.

  51. Thank you for playing
    Complete the game after 100 hours of playing time.

  52. Teaming up is not that bad
    Total multiplayer time exceeds 20 hours.

  53. Geheime Trophäen

  54. Absolute Sword
    Defeat Yuuki.

  55. This game is not for fun
    In a multiplayer game, defeat at least 100 level HNM creatures.

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Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment

Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment

Bandai Namco Games
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