Rally Copters - Trophäen

Rally Copters Trophäen

In Rally Copters könnt ihr 12 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Never gonna give you up
    Complete all phase 3 levels with the Mosquito.

  2. Full hangar
    Unlock all helicopters.

  3. All the way
    Complete all levels.

  4. The specialist
    Get a platinum medal.

  5. Earn your wings
    Complete a flag run without taking damage.

  6. Can’t touch this
    Perform a successful flip-dodge.

  7. The bomber
    Travel 100 meters in a single dive.

  8. The golden child
    Earn a gold-plus (or platinum-plus) medal.

  9. Flying blind
    Complete a phase-3 level with no guideline in one try.

  10. Geheime Trophäen

  11. Determined
    Reach 50 tries in a level.

  12. Crash landing
    Crash your helicopter after crossing a finish line.

  13. Nailed it!
    Obtain a full landing bonus.

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