Gem Legends - Trophäen

Gem Legends Trophäen

In Gem Legends könnt ihr 12 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Big bang
    Simultaneously detonate 5 bombs at any level.

  2. Squad
    Destroy 4 stones with explosion.

  3. Faster than wind
    Complete main goal in 5 turns.

  4. More bonuses!
    Use 5 purchased for gold bonuses on a single level.

  5. No barriers
    Remove 500 tiles.

  6. Irrepressible
    Remove 500 stones.

  7. Traveler
    Collect 20,000 points on any level.

  8. Jeweler
    Lower 20 diamonds on levels with mechanics "Lower diamond".

  9. Goldsmith
    Lower 3 diamons simultaneously on levels with mechanics "Lower diamond".

  10. Tactician
    Match 10 chips of the same color.

  11. In the pursuit of success
    Activate 3 super bombs at any level.

  12. Grandmaster
    Complete all levels with the best result.

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Gem Legends

Gem Legends

4Hit Ltd