Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion - Trophäen

Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion Trophäen

In Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion könnt ihr 44 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Hero of the People
    Congratulations! You obtained all of the trophies.

  2. True Emperor
    Complete One Life mode.

  3. Styricaem's Savior
    Complete the first act.

  4. Teamwork
    Perform a link attack.

  5. Brace Yourself
    Deflect an enemy attack with a perfect block.

  6. Geheime Trophäen

  7. Political Dissonance
    Complete the second act.

  8. Castle Clash
    Complete the third act.

  9. A Lonely Throne
    Unlock the epilogue.

  10. Monster Combo
    Complete a 50-chain combo.

  11. Crazy Combo
    Complete a 100-chain combo.

  12. Treasure Hunter
    Find a celestial gem or an arcane gem.

  13. Manticore Mauler
    Trigger break mode while fighting the Manticore.

  14. Werewolf Tamer
    Trigger break mode while fighting the Vandee Werewolf.

  15. Summoner Dispelled
    Trigger break mode while fighting Micena.

  16. Crystal Cracker
    Trigger break mode while fighting the Crystal Golem.

  17. Aurelius Annihilator
    Trigger break mode while fighting General Aurelius.

  18. Foiled Fencer
    Trigger break mode while fighting the final boss.

  19. It's Over 9000!
    Inflict over 9,000 damage without breaking the chain meter.

  20. Sensational!
    Earn a S-rank in a stage.

  21. The Bloodstained Blade
    Unlock Chaos Zulfiqar.

  22. The Unbreakable Guardian
    Unlock Order Zulfiqar.

  23. The Vengeful Pike
    Unlock Chaos Longinus.

  24. The Devoted Spear
    Unlock Order Longinus.

  25. The Voracious Hunter
    Unlock Chaos Apollon.

  26. The Solemn Hermit
    Unlock Order Apollon.

  27. The Blind Arquebus
    Unlock Chaos Winchester.

  28. The Restless Rifle
    Unlock Order Winchester.

  29. The Wild Mallet
    Unlock Chaos Mjolnir.

  30. The Stout Sentinel
    Unlock Order Mjolnir.

  31. The Volatile Artillery
    Unlock Chaos Dardanelles.

  32. The Tactiurn Cannon
    Unlock Order Dardanelles.

  33. Weapon Master
    Master many deathblows.

  34. Two of a Kind
    Use two of the same Exemplar in battle.

  35. Three's Company
    Use three of the same Exemplar in battle.

  36. Aquila Alliance
    Rescue Princess Agnes in her time of need.

  37. A Noble Sacrifice
    Discover the secret in Styricaem.

  38. Spoils of War
    Join a raid with Constantine.

  39. Gauntlet Thrown
    Face the Order of the Bleeding Axe.

  40. Tricky Tree
    Defeat the Ouroboros Cypress.

  41. Prime Legion
    Choose Prime Legion cards 25 times.

  42. Council of Princes
    Choose Council of Princes cards 25 times.

  43. March Congress
    Choose March Congress cards 25 times.

  44. Phantom Parry
    Use the White Staccato spell.

  45. Don't Fear The Reaper
    Use the Psyche Devourer spell.

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Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion

Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion

Limited Run Games