The Bunker - Trophäen

The Bunker Trophäen

In The Bunker könnt ihr 29 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Platinum Trophy
    Acquire all trophies.

  2. Churchill
    Find toy: Churchill.

  3. Commissioner
    Find toy: Commissioner.

  4. Doctor
    Find toy: Doctor.

  5. Engineer
    Find toy: Engineer.

  6. General
    Find toy: General.

  7. Mother
    Find toy: Mother.

  8. Nurse
    Find toy: Nurse.

  9. Sam
    Find toy: Sam.

  10. Soldier
    Find toy: Soldier.

  11. The Missing Piece
    Find the missing puzzle piece.

  12. Friends
    Find all of the toys.

  13. Bookworm
    Read all books.

  14. Press Play
    Listen to all cassettes.

  15. Floppy Disk Finder
    Find all computers.

  16. No Page Unturned
    Read all documents.

  17. Geheime Trophäen

  18. Last Goodbye
    Finish Chapter 2: Last Goodbye.

  19. The Routine
    Finish Chapter 3: The Routine.

  20. Failure
    Finish Chapter 4: Failure.

  21. Replace Fuse
    Finish Chapter 5: Replace Fuse.

  22. Alarm
    Finish Chapter 6: Alarm.

  23. Air Filtration
    Finish Chapter 7: Air Filtration.

  24. Broken
    Finish Chapter 8: Broken.

  25. Radiation
    Finish Chapter 9: Radiation.

  26. Descent
    Finish Chapter 10: Descent.

  27. Awakenings
    Finish Chapter 11: Awakenings.

  28. Cold Storage
    Finish Chapter 12: Cold Storage.

  29. Stay
    Choose to stay.

  30. Leave
    Choose to leave.

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