Sylvio - Trophäen

Sylvio Trophäen

In Sylvio könnt ihr 14 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Master Analyzer
    You found all hidden messages and collected all the pieces of shredded piano sheets.

  2. Learning Analyzer
    Found 5 hidden messages.

  3. Learning Listener
    Heard 5 voices in the static.

  4. Bobby's Reels
    Found all of Bobby's Reels.

  5. Skeleton Keys
    You collected the keys from all drifting parade balloon corpses.

  6. Master Listener
    Found all voices in the static.

  7. Geheime Trophäen

  8. Entertainer
    Tried the entertainment system in the restaurant.

  9. Dr Venkman
    Played the piano in the auditorium.

  10. Code of the Scared Sibling
    You found a secret code for the signal lamp.

  11. Code of Kristoph
    You found a secret code for the signal lamp.

  12. Code for the Pumps
    You found a secret code for the signal lamp. Somewhere, a pump started.

  13. One More Crow
    You shot the crow on the top of the amusement ride.

  14. In the Ground
    You found a hole in the ground, lit up by lights switched on in the terrarium.

  15. The Museum
    Found the museum on the top of Yellow Mountain.

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