Score Rush Extended - Trophäen

Score Rush Extended Trophäen

In Score Rush Extended könnt ihr 15 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Collide
    Kill enemy with collision.

  2. Slow
    Move with slowdown for 1 minute.

  3. MAD
    Survive 5 minutes without launching nuke.

  4. Extra Life
    Collect a 1UP.

  5. Quickie
    Kill a boss in under 10 seconds.

  6. Ammo
    Shoot 500,000 bullets in a single game.

  7. Max Power
    Max out main gun firepower.

  8. Squadron
    Have 3 fighters in reserve (collect a 1UP without dying) in SINGLE PLAYER + SOLO PLAY mode.

  9. Pacifist
    Survive 1 minute without shooting.

  10. Coalesce
    Coalesce 50% of trailing options (collect 16).

  11. Big Game
    Kill boss for 20 million points.

  12. Snake
    Max out trailing options (collect 32).

  13. Bullet Hell
    Witness 1,000 enemy bullets at once.

  14. Conquer
    Beat BOSS RUSH in any difficulty.

  15. Mastered
    Beat SCORE RUSH in any difficulty.

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Score Rush Extended

Score Rush Extended

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