Nebulous - Trophäen

Nebulous Trophäen

In Nebulous könnt ihr 11 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Forced into Space for Unknown Reasons
    Complete Galaxy A.

  2. Astro-Not!
    Complete Galaxy B.

  3. I'm Not Saying It Was Aliens... But It Was Aliens
    Complete Galaxy C.

  4. Breaking the Law. Of Physics.
    Complete Galaxy D.

  5. Star Rats Spelled Backwards is Star Rats
    View the ending.

  6. Slow Clap. In Space.
    Collect all stars in Galaxy A.

  7. Quasi-Stellar Object
    Collect all stars in Galaxy B.

  8. Your-Anus. Erm, Uranus.
    Collect all stars in Galaxy C.

  9. Galactic Bulge
    Collect all stars in Galaxy D.

  10. This is the End.
    View the true ending.

  11. Muy Mellow-Harshing, Amigo
    Hear all insults.

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Namazu Studios
Namazu Studios