Capsule Force - Trophäen

Capsule Force Trophäen

In Capsule Force könnt ihr 9 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Aim precisely! Shoot the targets!
    Complete all Target Practice missions with a C Rank or higher.

  2. Look out! There is danger ahead!
    Complete all Danger Zone missions with a C Rank or higher.

  3. Watch your step! Race to the finish!
    Complete all Dash missions with a C Rank or higher.

  4. You're Serious!? More targets?
    Complete all Advanced Target Practice missions with a C Rank or higher.

  5. You look fantastic!
    Use an alternate outfit in Versus Mode.

  6. An alternate world appears!
    Play on an alternate stage layout.

  7. Listen! Sounds of 1999!
    Destroy 1-9-9-9.

  8. There is no time left!
    Complete Mission Rush.

  9. What! All Missions S!
    Achieve an S Rank on every mission.

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