Big City Stories - Trophäen

Big City Stories Trophäen

In Big City Stories könnt ihr 14 Trophäen (Trophies) freischalten. Die folgende Liste zeigt euch alle Trophäen und die Bedingungen zum Freischalten auf einen Blick.

  1. Supreme Mayor
    Reach Mayor Level 50.

  2. Metropolis
    Reach a population size of 65,000 in a single city.

  3. Real Estate Boom
    Every tile in your city is occupied by a building or road.

  4. Ribbon Ceremony
    Upgrade your Town Hall to level 2.

  5. A True Tycoon
    Construct/upgrade a total of 200 Commercial buildings in a single city.

  6. Bright New Mayor
    Reach Mayor level 10.

  7. A Place to Call Home
    Construct/upgrade a total of 200 Residential buildings in a single city.

  8. I've got a fever!
    Have an Electronic Dance Floor and a Disco Floor in your city.

  9. Prime Real Estate
    Raise a single tile's output by 65%.

  10. New Blueprints
    Unlock the Skyline Condos.

  11. Tower in the Sky
    Upgrade a Globosyn Megaplex to level 9.

  12. Electric Eye
    Reach a total production rate of 10,000 Energy per hour in a single city.

  13. Bridge the Gap
    Repair your city's bridge by helping your advisers.

  14. Vault Space
    Own two level 4 Banks.

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