Move Street Cricket - Trophäen

Move Street Cricket Trophies

In diesem Spiel könnt ihr euch 11 Trophäen verdienen. Erfüllt die folgenden Aufgaben und sichert euch die entsprechenden Trophäen:

  1. Sniper
    Win Sharpshooter in hard mode.

  2. Rush Hour
    Win Time Buster in hard mode.

  3. Rage Against The Machines
    Win Terminator in hard mode.

  4. William Tell
    Win 20 games of Sharpshooter on any difficulty level.

  5. Sands of Time
    Win 20 games of Time Buster on any difficulty level.

  6. Hasta La Vista Baby
    Win 20 games of Terminator on any difficulty level.

  7. Hooked
    Play 20 Exhibition Matches.

  8. Dr. Demolition
    Take 6 Wickets with a single bowler.

  9. Blaster Blazer
    Hit six 6s in an over with a single batsman.

  10. Invincible
    Complete World Tour without losing a single match.

  11. Street Cricket World Champion
    Win the World Tour with all the teams.

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Move Street Cricket

Move Street Cricket

Sony Computer Entertainment
Trine Games